Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Um, Hello!

Well, I can honestly say I've never done this before. But hey, what the hell! I mean, I don't already have enough on my plate. Only 13 graduate school credit hours, three kids under four, a husband, a dog, a house, and a part-time job. No, I apparently needed a hobby too. So, here I am!

So, the long story, or the short one? Lets just say I graduated high school, got married at 20, and have pretty much been in school ever since. I had my twin daughters at 23 and my third daughter at 26, one week before finals (don't worry, I got an A :)) When the baby was about a month old, I applied for grad school and got in! So here I am, a month into my masters in psychology. Somehow, I manage to balance school, kids, work, and the husband, but somehow the housework never quite gets done. And when I have a really bad day, I watch an episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 and thank God that "it" was only twins!

The economy (which SUCKS, by the way) has hit us hard and my husband's been unemployed since Febuary. We've managed to keep our house though, and it has strengthened our relationship in a way I never thought possible, so there are some checks in the "plus" column. He has a second interview on Saturday, so fingers crossed!

Anyway, that's the short story. I'm glad to finally have some sort of an outlet, however impersonal and public it may be. And I'm glad you're here for the ride! Some days I may complain, but (and I'm typing this line to remind myself) I absolutely LOVE school and psychology is my passion. I wanted to do what I am doing more than almost anything in the world (third, actually, to kids and my husband) and no matter how bad it gets, no matter how many tears I cry, I do absolutely love my life!


  1. Glad to hear things are going well for you. i miss seeing you at hm.

    Crossing my fingers that your husband gets this job.

  2. thanks girl! i wish i could spend more time over there, but as you can see, there is no time to be had! i'll be back on a more permanent basis one day!
